My First 6 months at Neemar Search | Eliot Jeffries

4 Mins
Eliot Jeffries

By Eliot Jeffries

Having joined Neemar Search in October of last year I wanted to take the time to reflect on the past six months and how much I have enjoyed working for a company and in a sector that truly aligns with my values.

What brought you to Neemar Search?

Executive Search and the social housing sector are both new to me. Having worked in recruitment for the past 5 years I was looking for a role that allowed me to not only develop professionally but also gave me the opportunity to operate in a sector where you can genuinely see the positive impact clients are having on society.

I have always felt that recruitment is a relationships game. The move into executive search where everything is based on relationships and the ability to offer a consultative service to clients is something that I had been aiming for. After an initial conversation with NeemarSearch it was clear that the business could offer me this step and opportunity to develop my career in this space.

What initially drew me to Neemar Search in particular was the clear drive the business has to change the way the industry views executive search. The focus on disrupting and innovating the traditional means of recruitment through value-added partnerships was something that had been missing in my previous roles where there was always more focus on short-term wins. Neemar’s vision of being more than ‘just a search partner’ and genuinely creating long-term meaningful relationships was refreshing and remains core to everything we do.

What’s your experience of the first few months been?

Since joining Neemar Search I have not only been given the support and guidance needed in a new role, but also the autonomy and time to learn about the sector and begin to build relationships.

Shadowing experienced members of the team who have years of experience within the sector has been invaluable. Being able to leverage existing knowledge and relationships has allowed me to learn an incredible amount in a relatively short period of time and has given me the confidence and springboard to continue to develop.

Neemar’s core value of “being more than just a search partner” is something at the core of everything we do. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact the Neemar’s initiatives are having on providing a better recruitment process and supporting candidates outside of purely securing them a new role. We place significant focus on all stages of the candidate journey, from providing virtual and interactive insight into new opportunities through our ClientiD, to offering development opportunities for senior leaders looking to step up into their first executive position through our Elevate Programme. This longer-term, relationship-focused approach is something I have thoroughly enjoyed and look forward to developing further moving forward.

What about the Social Housing sector are you passionate about?

Having worked in multiple sectors across my career one thing that I have realised is the importance of operating within a sector that you truly believe in and aligns with your values - I have found this in social housing.

The sector currently faces some huge challenges and is under a massive amount of scrutiny but what has stuck with me is the resilience, positivity, and passion present in its people. It is evident that those who choose to work in the sector do so to make a positive impact on society.

Joining Neemar Search has marked a significant point in my career, giving me the opportunity to immerse myself in a sector and a company ethos that truly resonates with my values. Making the move into executive search and a new sector in social housing was initially daunting, yet it has proven to be incredibly rewarding. 

Neemar's commitment to reshaping traditional recruitment practices, and prioritising long-term relationships over quick wins, has not only shifted my professional approach but has also revived my passion for making a meaningful impact. The support and guidance I've received both internally, and from those in the sector have allowed me to navigate a new sector with confidence.

I truly believe what sets Neemar apart is not just its modern, innovative way of approaching executive search but its dedication to promoting positive change within the sector and the communities it serves. As I look ahead, I am excited to continue this journey of growth, learning, and contributing positively to the social housing sector.

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